Voetbalwedstrijd om het kampioenschap van Nederland op zondag 25 maart 1923 te Deventer tusschen Go Ahead - Deventer en Be Quick - Groningen
Alternativ tittel: Football Match for the Championship of the Netherlands on Sunday 25 March 1923 in Deventer Between Go Ahead - Deventer and Be Quick - Groningen
År: 1923
Beskrivelse: Reportage about a football match Reportage about a football match in the stadium in Deventer. This stadium, which opened in 1921, has a single covered grandstand, and is surrounded by fields and roads with tall trees. Before the game begins, the home club Go Ahead poses in the goal. The match begins, and after several exciting moments on both sides, the ¿international¿ Harry Rodermond brings the score to 1-0 for Gronongen's Be Quick. During halftime, the public is entertained by a band. Everyone walks calmly across the field. After halftime, Be Quick faces several challenging moments, but the Groningen club nonetheless wins the match 3-0. Afterwards, a long parade of spectators leaves the stadium. Many of them had arrived by bike.
Nøkkelord: Deventer / Nederland
Leverandør: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rettigheter: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Produksjonsselskap: Luxor (Deventer)
Director: Unknown